As a starting point, training should be fun and exciting – that is our objective!

Training should be both enjoyable and engaging from the start. But beyond that initial excitement, it’s really about the knowledge imparted and the attitudes shaped. Some trainers may be more effective than others, but the crux of it is that the real challenge begins when trainees return to their daily routines and need to apply what they’ve learned.

The harsh reality is that many of us who’ve participated in corporate training recognize this truth: human nature inherently resists change. This resistance is often a defense mechanism to protect our emotions and maintain control over our environment. Imagine trying to sleep while conditions are constantly changing—it’s uncomfortable and challenging.

Training, therefore, is essentially about overcoming this mental resistance to change. It’s about breaking through the brain’s natural defenses and making the process enjoyable and engaging.

So, how do you tell participants to embrace and love change when doing so directly contradicts their brain’s instinctive resistance?

That’s the challenge we face: helping individuals navigate and accept change in a way that feels natural and motivating, rather than threatening or overwhelming.

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